DVBViewer TE
A guide to uninstall DVBViewer TE from your PC
DVBViewer TE is a Windows application. Read more about how to uninstall it from your PC. It was coded for Windows by
CM&V. Open
here for more info on CM&V. You can see more info related to DVBViewer TE at
http://www.dvbviewer.com. DVBViewer TE is frequently installed in the C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE directory, however this location can vary a lot depending on the user's choice when installing the program. C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\unins000.exe is the full command line if you want to remove DVBViewer TE. The program's main executable file has a size of 756.50 KB (774656 bytes) on disk and is labeled dvbviewer.exe.
DVBViewer TE contains of the executables below. They take 2.01 MB (
2110743 bytes) on disk.
- AP Launch.exe (100.50 KB)
- dvbviewer.exe (756.50 KB)
- freelnb.exe (12.00 KB)
- regfilter.exe (22.50 KB)
- timeline.exe (480.00 KB)
- ts_winlirc.exe (37.50 KB)
- unins000.exe (652.27 KB)
...click to view all...
If you are manually uninstalling DVBViewer TE we suggest you to check if the following data is left behind on your PC.
Folders remaining:- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE
Files remaining:- C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\DVBViewer TE2.lnk
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\AP Launch.exe
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\APPath.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Capture\dummy.txt
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\channels_dvbs.dat
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\dvbviewer.exe
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\epg_dvbs.dat
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Filters\dump.ax
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Filters\RLDumper.ax
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\freelnb.exe
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\3sat.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\arte.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\B1 Berlin.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\B5 aktuell.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Bayerisches Fernsehen.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Bayern 1.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Bayern 4 Klassik.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Bibel TV.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\BR alpha.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Das Erste.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\EinsExtra.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\EinsFestival.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\EinsMuXx.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\hessen fernsehen.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\HR XXL.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\hr2.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\hr-klassik.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\KABEL1.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\KiKa.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\MDR Fernsehen.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\MTV2 Pop Channel.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\MTV2.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\N24.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\NBC Europe.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\NEUN LIVE Television.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\NordwestRadio.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\n-tv.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Ocko TV.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Phoenix.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\ProSieben.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\RTL Television.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\RTL2.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\sat 1.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\SR 1.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Südwest BW.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Südwest RP.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Südwest SR.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\Super RTL.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\VOX.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\WDR Fernsehen.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\ZDF.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\ZDFdokukanal.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\ZDFinfokanal.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Images\Logos\ZDFtheaterkanal.png
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Albanian.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Arabic.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Chinese trad.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Czech.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Deutsch.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Dutch.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\English.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Español.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Finnish.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Francais.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Greek.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Hrvatski.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Italiano.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Japanese.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Latvian.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Lithuanian.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Magyar.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Nederlands.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Persian.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Polish.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Português.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Romanian.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Russian.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Serbian.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Slovak.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Slovenski.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Srpski.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\suomi.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\Svenska.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Language\turkish.lng
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Plugins\ImportMDB.dll
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Plugins\ImportSDX.dll
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Plugins\ImportTSP.dll
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\regfilter.exe
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\00.8 West Thor1,2,3.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\01.0 West Intelsat 707.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\03.0 Ost Telecom 2A.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\04.0 West Amos 1.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\05.0 Ost Astra 1A.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\05.0 Ost Sirius 2,3.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\05.0 West Atlantic Bird 3.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\05.0 West Telecom 2C.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\07.0 Ost Eutelsat W3.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\07.0 West Nilesat 101,102.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\08.0 West Atlantic bird.ini
- C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\Satellites\08.0 West Telecom 2D.ini
Frequently the following registry keys will not be removed:- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\DVBViewer TE_is1
How to remove DVBViewer TE from your PC with Advanced Uninstaller PRO
DVBViewer TE is an application offered by CM&V. Sometimes, people try to remove it. This can be efortful because doing this by hand takes some skill regarding Windows internal functioning. One of the best QUICK solution to remove DVBViewer TE is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Here are some detailed instructions about how to do this:
1. If you don't have Advanced Uninstaller PRO already installed on your system, install it. This is good because Advanced Uninstaller PRO is the best uninstaller and general utility to clean your computer.
DOWNLOAD NOW- visit Download Link
- download the setup by pressing the DOWNLOAD NOW button
- install Advanced Uninstaller PRO
2. Start Advanced Uninstaller PRO. Take your time to admire Advanced Uninstaller PRO's interface and wealth of features available. Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a very useful program.
3. Press the General Tools button

4. Press the Uninstall Programs feature

5. A list of the programs installed on your PC will appear
6. Navigate the list of programs until you locate DVBViewer TE or simply activate the Search field and type in "DVBViewer TE". If it is installed on your PC the DVBViewer TE app will be found very quickly. After you click DVBViewer TE in the list of applications, the following data regarding the program is made available to you:
- Safety rating (in the left lower corner). The star rating explains the opinion other people have regarding DVBViewer TE, from "Highly recommended" to "Very dangerous".
- Reviews by other people - Press the Read reviews button.
- Technical information regarding the app you want to remove, by pressing the Properties button.
For example you can see that for DVBViewer TE:
- The software company is: http://www.dvbviewer.com
- The uninstall string is: C:\Program Files\DVBViewerTE\unins000.exe
7. Press the Uninstall button. A confirmation dialog will appear. accept the removal by pressing the Uninstall button. Advanced Uninstaller PRO will remove DVBViewer TE.

8. After uninstalling DVBViewer TE, Advanced Uninstaller PRO will offer to run a cleanup. Click Next to perform the cleanup. All the items that belong DVBViewer TE that have been left behind will be found and you will be asked if you want to delete them. By uninstalling DVBViewer TE with Advanced Uninstaller PRO, you can be sure that no registry entries, files or folders are left behind on your computer.
Your system will remain clean, speedy and able to take on new tasks.
Geographical user distribution
- Windows 7 (6.1)
- Windows 8.1 (6.3)
- Windows XP (5.1)
- 10.0
- Windows Server 2003 (5.2)
Software Application
The text above is not a recommendation to remove DVBViewer TE by CM&V from your computer, we are not saying that DVBViewer TE by CM&V is not a good application for your computer. This text simply contains detailed info on how to remove DVBViewer TE supposing you decide this is what you want to do. The information above contains registry and disk entries that Advanced Uninstaller PRO discovered and classified as "leftovers" on other users' computers.
Last update on: 2016-06-30 19:14:30.953